
Friday 13 November 2015

Telltale Signs A Girl Likes You

Women are more complex than beal conjecture. Reading them is even more difficult than a book called The Recognitions. The truth is women are very friendly and it's vague to tell if a girl likes you enough to want you to be her boyfriend or her best friend. So here are a few surefire telltale signs she likes you.

The Smile: Smiling is a kind of courtesy that women use to greet everyone they meet. However when you talk to this girl for the first time, try to pay attention and see if she smiles as you initiate a conversation. She will then try to hold it back as quickly as possible because she doesn't want to give away her secret of affection for you. This is a sure sign that she likes you. To know if she's just being friendly then notice that she's smiling the whole or most of the time that you're talking with her. Why? Because she's not embarrassed about giving away any secret when she smiles. Therefore she holds it back because she's embarrassed you now know her secret. 

The Touch: The touch is kind of a tough one to decode because as humans we are all drawn to touch. We high five, hug and shake hands with our companions to greet, meet and show affection between ourselves. Scientists have never actually even been sure why we're driven to touch. A girl might bump or rub against you or hug you to break the touch barrier between you both. Take notice if this happens more than normal because it is surely a telltale sign that she likes you. 

No Sign of Embarrassing Acts: Once a girl decides she feels comfortable doing embarrassing things around you it means she thinks of you as a brother or best friend she can do anything around. So look out for signs like that, because she will force herself to be perfect around you and always try to impress you. Think about it, you wouldn't go scratching your butt or picking your nose around a girl you have a crush on, you would probably do that amongst friends and most likely family.

The Eyes: It is said that the eyes are the windows of the soul, and a lot can be discovered of someone by looking them in the eyes. Know this, it is a scientific fact that when a living creature, not just a human, sees something they want then their eyes become dilated. So make direct eye contact with her to tell if she wants you. Another way is if she is too nervous to look at you or turns her head into a completely different angle from where you were both talking. Making direct eye contact with a girl can also get her to like you, if she didn't before, but you need to do it just right by looking straight into her eyes as she is talking to you or you her. You have to be confident when doing it too but getting a girl to like you is a whole different chapter. So yes, eye contact is a genius way to tell if a girl likes you.

Special Gifts: When a girl likes someone she might subconsciously buy them things, unknowingly showing affection. It can be anything, a bottle of juice, food, a brand new red Ferrari or something she likes. A Ferrari just might mean she has somewhat of a small crush on you, but then again she could still say "Oh that, it doesn't mean I like you that way, I buy everyone Ferraris". Women love to shop, and they buy things for themselves because they love themselves right? So with that logic she'll probably do the same for you. Don't go wild if she buys you a birthday or a Christmas present because those are tradition gifts. 

In conclusion, remember, these are just guides you can use to tell if a girl likes you. Bottom line is that it's still extremely difficult to tell because even if she does say she likes you out of her mouth, you have to ask "As a friend? Or the other way" she'll probably say "What other way?" and this would lead to turn of events where you start arguing and hate each other forever. So just be cool and say "Whatever". Even after you're both married you still can't be too sure so hopefully the signs on how to tell if a girl likes you have helped.

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