
Friday 13 November 2015

First Dates - The "Dos" & "Don'ts"

First dates are events that are used as a platform to establish whether or not you want to be with someone, based on what you've learned about them. It is somewhat similar to when a restaurant would offer you a free sample of a meal to see if you like it and want to make a commitment to it or whether you hate it and never want to taste it again. First dates can be very intimidating or rather exciting but the truth is you'll never know until you go. Here are few 'Dos and Don'ts' you can apply to make the best out of your first date.

Don't Go to a club/party: For your first date you might want to pick someplace that was not made for mingling with other people. You want to pick someplace where you both have alone time and have the ability to talk and hear each other. The point of the first date is to get to know each other. 

Do put a limit on information: Too much information can scare your date away. You only need to establish the basics. Try to match each others information. If she mentions where she went to college, you do the same. If he says he likes playing golf, you mention what hobbies you like to do. Saying you were 'mistakenly' convicted for armed robbery once, may not be a bright idea. Save that one for the 3rd or 18th date or the honeymoon… or never.

Don't get too physical: If you're a guy then you probably love to touch. For the first date you need to set yourself on a look but do not touch basis. Don't even try to hold her hands. Let the lady do the touching because guys generally do like to be touched by women. I shouldn't even have to assume. 

Do be genuine: You might tell a few 'white' lies to impress your date, but what will happen when the relationship between you both starts to get serious. You don't want your life with them to be built on lies. It's best to be completely authentic on the first date.

Don't talk about sex: Remember that your just sampling to see if you want to make a commitment. Your relationship is definitely not on the level of comfortableness to be discussing sex. Unless you're both sex addicts of course. Or if you're the female. 

Do listen: Both parties should listen to each other. There will be information issued that will be needed for future reference like the birth date, family, where their from and most importantly the middle name. The aim of the first date, again, is to get to know each other so you will want to remember all the little things.

Don't be late: It is not a very good impression to make it on a first date late. As a matter of fact there is literally no reason for your date to waste time waiting on you, they don't even know you. It's just like getting a job, if you don't make a good impression, you don't get the job so you don't get to be the girlfriend of inventory or the boyfriend of relations.

Do relax: If it is to be then it will be, don't be too tense. Your date is probably someone you're planning to go the distance with, so you might want to practice being comfortable from then.

Don't get too excited: Anything can happen, it could be the best day of your life or the worst. So expect the unexpected. Your date might turn out to be a serial dater. Who knows?

Most importantly have fun and remember, whatever happens you're still 'dateable'.

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