
Friday 13 November 2015

50 Random Facts You Didn't Know

There are a lot of interesting things that have happened in the past and are happening right now. Here are 50 interesting things you probably didn't know.

1. Only 5% of the world's population lives in the U.S. but consumes 37% of the world's cocaine. 

2. Ronald Reagan was the only U.S. president to have been divorced.

3. The Guinness Book of World Records has the record for being the most stolen from public libraries. 

4. On any food, drink or any other product's labels, the ingredient are in order of which one is the most to the least.

5. The Jamaican flag is the only flag in the world without the colors red, white or blue in it. 

6. 11% of the world's population is left handed, 88% right handed and 1% has no hands. 

7. The letter E is in most existing words in English language. 

8. The letter Q is in the least words that exist in English language.

9. Lightning strikes the earth 100 times per second everyday. That's 8.64 Million times a day.

10. Roy Sullivan has been recorded by the Guinness book of World Records as the person to be stuck by lightning the most and survived. He was struck on 7 different occasions. Surprisingly his cause of death was not lightning. He shot himself in the stomach at age 71, not because he hated being struck by lightning, but over an unrequited love.

11. The most expensive man made structure is the International space station costing $100 Billion.

12. There are more than 7 million millionaires in the world.

13. On every continent there is a city called Rome. 

14. The longest flight time recorded for a chicken is 13 seconds. 

15. Eskimos use refrigerators to keep food from freezing.

16. Women make up 49% of the world's population.

17. There is a spider at every 6 feet from where you are. 

18. The Great Wall of China is actually not visible from space. 

19. Sharks are immune to all diseases. 

20. If Bill Gates was a country he would be the 37th richest country in the world. There are 196 countries in the world.

21. If the human eye was camera it has 576 mega pixels.

22. The human eye can see light from more than 40 trillion kilometres away. 

23. The Vy Canis Majoris is the largest known star in the universe. It is 65 million times bigger than our sun.

24. All the months of the years and the days of the week are named after Greek and Roman Gods. 

25. Scientists do know that Jesus Christ was a real man.

26. "I am." Is the shortest complete sentence there is.

27. The word "girl" use to mean young person or child, regardless of gender.

28. A zebra's stripes are as unique as an human's fingerprint.

29. The word "an" is used before words starting with a vowel, while "a" is used before words that start with a consonant.

30. In 1386 in France, a pig was executed by hanging for killing a child. 

31. There are no naturally blue foods, not even blueberries which are purple.

32. 111,111,111 × 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321. 

33. Almost is the longest word in English language spelt in alphabetical order.

34. The word "set" has the most definitions in English language.

35. It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open. Go on try it.

36. Since creation over 60 Billion people have died.

37. 98% of the world's population believes in a divine being. 

38. There are 600,000 attempts to hacking Facebook accounts everyday.

39. Leonardo Da Vinci could draw with one hand while writing with the other. It's called ambidexterity.

40. Men are 7 times more likely to be struck by lightning than women. Ask Roy Sullivan.

41. Antarctica gets only 6.5 inches of rain or snow per year.

42. There are more abandoned homes in America than there are homeless people in America.

43. More people die from coconuts falling from trees than those of a shark attack. 

44. It is impossible to outswim a shark. They can swim up to 75 km/hour. A human can only run 35km/hour.

45. All the vowels of the alphabet can be pronounced without using articulators i.e. the tongue, the lips and teeth. Which is why the letter "y" is considered by some people as a vowel.

46. The name Google was a play on the word "googol," a mathematical term for the number represented by the numeral 1 followed by 100 zeros, which reflects Larry and Sergey's mission to organize a seemingly infinite amount of information on the web.

47. In ancient Roman battles, the general would put the young men in the front line to die first.

48. All the numbers from one to one hundred don't contain the letter "a".

49. China and India are the most populated countries in the world with both over 1 Billion people. Leaving the U.S. in 3rd place with 326 Million people.

50. Everyday 4 Billion Google searches are made, 4 Million blog posts are written, 230 Billion emails are sent, 5 Million cellular phones are sold and 1 Billion tweets are sent.

Here's a bonus, 7,379,542,050 people did not read that figure. The world's population.

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  2. Brilliant post, i really enjoyed those fascinating tidbits
