
Friday 13 November 2015

10 Popular Misconceptions

You probably have heard of the game called Chinese telephone or whisper, where someone passes information to one person and it has reached someone else as a whole new message. The pen is mightier than the sword, would come back as "I kill men with a piece of board". Well here are 10 popular misconceptions.

1. Bulls Are Not Enraged By The Color Red - Yes it is true. Bulls along with all other cattle are color blind actually. An experiment was done on myth busters, a T.V. series, where they waved a red, a blue and a white flag before the bull and it would seem that the bull's reaction was exactly the same of all three flags. Why did all three colors enrage the bull? It was not because he hated America but because of the movement of the flags. The moving flags caused the bull "to see red". Now you can finally wear that superman cape you had stashed away for so long.

2. God Helps The Helpless - Most people would agree that the phrase "God helps those who helps themselves" is from the bible, but it's not. This phrase is commonly associated with former U.S president Benjamin Franklin. He was the person that said it. 

As a matter of fact God helps the helpless as can be evidently seen in Psalm 50:15, where it says "Call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee". In other words "Call when in need of help and I will help you". The phrase was believed to bring self initiative so as not to have people laying on their backs, not doing anything for themselves.

3. Lightning Does Strike The Same Place Twice - That's right. "Lightning doesn't strike the same place twice" is a phrase that means "a bad thing won't happen to the same person twice". Well science would argue differently. June 30, 2014 three of Chicago's tallest skyscrapers were struck multiple times by lightning, 10 strikes to the Sears (Willis) tower, 8 to the Trump tower and 4 to the John Hancock tower. The WKYT/WTVQ towers in Lexington, Kentucky was recorded to be struck 11 times in the space of 20 minutes on February 4, 2008. In fact the empire state building is reported to be stuck 100 times per year by lightning on average. 

4. Hippos Can't Swim - Despite the fact that most of their food comes from rivers and lakes, hippos can't swim. They can't even float, they're bodies are way too dense. So Instead they slowly walk along the river bed, or lake, and hunt their prey. They're eyes are lined with a thick membrane that allows them to see underwater, they can hold their breathes for 5 minutes and sleep in water without being waked due to a mechanism their body executes. They just can't swim.

5. Sunflowers Don't Track The Sun - This is an easy misconception to make, simply because sunflowers grow in the east and the sun rises in the east. They actually don't follow the sun, they just grow where it rises. However immature sunflower buds do show solar tracking abilities. As they follow the sun from east to west. When they become mature they face the east. Even though the sunflower doesn't track the sun, there are other flowers that follow the sun from east to west. A good example is the snow buttercup (Ranunculus Adoneus). 

6. There Is No Tongue Map - In primary school we were all probably taught that the tongue had different sections reserved for different tastes. The tip of the tongue reserved for sweet, front side for salty, the back side for sour and the extreme back for bitter. This myth can easily be debunked by applying salt to the tip of your tongue and you'll taste it. Also think about it, if all the receptors are exactly the same, then why would they taste different tastes.

7. Knuckles Don't Crack - That 'cracking' sound you get when you collapse your knuckles, is more of a 'pop'. What actually happens when someone cracks their knuckle is the release of gas between the cavities of your joints. Likewise with the spine, neck and other places of the body. 

8. Thomas Crapper Didn't Invent The Flush Toilet - Surprise, surprise. Thomas Crapper a real 19th century man was mistakenly credited with the invention of the flush toilet. He couldn't have invented it because the flush toilet had been around since the 18th century. It closely tied to the new technology of steam powered generation. The important concept of automatic liquid level arose both in steam boilers and tanks of water closets (toilet). 

9. No One Thought The World Was Flat - Only Christopher Columbus thought the world was flat. He set out on a journey to prove the world was round but he was 2,000 years late. Ancient Greek mathematicians had already discovered the shape of the earth. In sixth century B.C Pythagoras was one the originators of the idea. In the fourth century B.C Aristotle provided physical evidence which included the shadow of the earth on the moon and the curvature of the earth. The observation was made by many ancient sailors that the "hills seemed to come up out the ground" as they came closer to land. 

10. Humans Don't Have 5 Senses - Generally we learn that we only have have 5 senses, sight, smell, taste, hearing and touch. But there are actually more, like (1) proprioception the ability to find your body parts without seeing. (2) Tension sensing, the ability to sense tension with the brain. (3) Nociception, this sense is basically a section that takes pain from touch and makes pain it's own sensory ability, so pain is a sense on it's own called nociception. (4) Equilibrioception, the sense that keeps the body in balance. (5) Stretch receptors sense the dilation of blood vessels. (6) Chemoreceptors detect blood born hormones and drugs. (7) Thirst, this sense monitors the hydration level and sends a signal to the mouth when hydration is needed. (8) Hunger senses when the body wants food. (9) Magnetoception, the sense that is able to detect magnetic fields. And (10) time the ability to detect what time it is.

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