
Friday 13 November 2015

7 Signs of Cheating

Cheating, we've all been down that road, whether we were dealt the hand or we're the ones that played it. Interesting fact about infidelity though is that it is not actually the number one cause of separation or divorce, the number one cause is money. No one likes to be cheated on, so here are 7 signs that your 'lucky' one is cheating

1. Eye Contact: In an honest relationship couples start to trust each other over time causing them to look directly into the eyes of each other. Once your partner ends sharing looks and starts gazing away from you when having a conversation it means their feeling emotionally distant from you. Usually caused by their new found interest in someone else.

2. Interest Lost: Another sign of cheating is your partner's loss of interest in activities or hobbies you would commonly indulge in. A prime example is sex. Once your partner starts 'holding out on you' it might be a red flag that they've possibly already been dipping they're toes in another pond. Emphasis on possibly because there could also be other reasons as to why your partner is not sexually interested.

3. Secrets: We all have something we don't want anyone to find out. However keeping secrets from your significant other is a no no. Soulmate means you've found someone you want to share all your life with. You consider them to be somewhat like you. You tell them things you would only tell yourself. The fact that they're keeping secrets means they have something to hide. This should probably be the first sign of cheating.

4. Lying: Similar to keeping secrets, lying has a few scientific ways of knowing when one's lying. Dr. Lillian Glass, a behavioral analyst and body language expert, who has worked with the FBI on unmasking signals of deception, says when trying to figure out if someone is lying, you first need to understand how the person normally acts. Then you pay attention to their speech patterns, body language and gestures. Generally when someone is telling a story of something that is actually true they use hand gestures. Whereas when they're lying there are no hand gestures.

5. Sudden Self Interest: When a person finds someone they like, they try to stay on point, looking well groomed and pulling out all the stops. So if you notice your partner sprucing up without caring what you think, for instance not asking "What do you think" or "How do I look" then this means they're trying to impress someone else other than you. Or they're secretly going to the opera without you, every single night. 

6. Phone Security: When your partner becomes the personal bodyguard of their phone, then something's up. Think about it, what could they possibly be hiding in their phone that you should never see, plans to blow up the sun? Ooh or maybe it's a map that leads to the most valuable treasure (booty) in the world. Whatever is in their phone should not be too confidential to share with you. This is surely another red flag that your partner is pulling the wool over your eyes. 

7. Intuition: If you can feel it on your own without scientific methods and a polygraph machine then you're probably right. Trust your heart to make the decision for you because we are creatures of instinct. If your heart says they're cheating then that is a sign that they've been cheating. 

Take these signs as a guide and not fact because you could be misinterpreting a few bells and whistles. 

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