
Friday 13 November 2015

Is Your Partner The Perfect Match?

  People will go their entire lives trying to find the perfect match, break up after break up, divorce after divorce, only to end up alone. They might have even found the perfect match and let them go, a couple weeks later they realized they made the wrong decision. There are certain criterion that can help determine the perfect match like, do your opposites attract, do you have common interests, do they have goals you consider worthy, how are disputes settled between you and finally are they attractive by your standards.

    Opposites actually do attract when it comes to a relationship. If you're a person that loves to talk or constantly always has something to talk about then the most suitable person for you would be someone quiet. Why? Because people who don't talk much are usually good listeners and will probably hang on every word you say. So if like to be listened to then choose someone quiet. Pairing with someone that loves to talk as much you is not the best idea. You won't get any communication across the relationship and most of the time you'll be arguing because you're both so verbal. So the next time someone says "You like to talk? Me too, I think we're the perfect match" you know just what to do. It works in anyway regarding personality, tall & short, fat & slim, nervous & confident, fearful & courageous. Their differences cancel each other other out, so the tall guy can reach can of beans in the high cabinet for his short girl and the courageous girl can save her man when he's in trouble. It could happen. 

     Now don't confuse personality with interests, they might seem to have slight relations because personality affects interest. So to know if you have the perfect match then you should both have a few interests in common. If you're a person of fine arts and culture and you love reading, but your partner thinks Mozart is a place that sells art called "Mo's Art" then you probably shouldn't be together. You'll probably try you're best to not hate your partner, but the fact is even if you don't want to fight then one day your interests will meet each other in a dark alley and have a warfare day after day, which will eventually cause you both to drift apart in time. So try to find someone you can relate to, that's why it's called a relationship. 

     Thirdly, does this person have what you consider to be high standard or worthy goals. Frankly if you consider having no goals worthy and they have none then, ding ding ding, you've found the perfect match. Surely you'll have plans for your life, and if you're dating someone with none then how can you move on to where you want to go without them holding you back. Example, if you're running for your life from, let's say… a tiger and you're wearing a backpack full of bricks, what would you do? Would you keep the backpack because you you love it and lose your life or let it go and save your life? Your choice. So eventually you will be separated because of your different levels of drive or goals. To be the perfect match the need to have the perfect goals. 

     How are your disputes handled? Yes just because you have the perfect match doesn't mean there won't be arguments because everyone disagrees with something. Every time you have an argument does your partner insist you break up or take break for a while? Well if so then their not for you. They may have been joking about it or not serious at all, but that doesn't matter because the thought of being away from you should put them in state of discomfort or uneasiness. If the case is when you argue, your partner tries their best to fix it then you're a perfect match. However if you're the one trying to fix it and their giving you a hard time about it then just walk away because they aren't for you. Finding the best ways to settle disputes will turn your relationship into a perfection. 

     Let's face it, humans are creatures that love beautiful things. We all have our differences in what we consider to be beauty because beauty is truly in the eyes of the beholder. So the question is, Is your partner someone you regard visually appealing? The question may sound superficial but it's true. You don't want to spend years with your partner only to wake up one and realize you want to leave because they're unattractive, and then try to force yourself to stay because you think it's too much of a 'superficial' reason to leave, so you wait for the perfect opportunity to leave. As soon as they say something you don't like, you leave under false pretenses as if it was what they said that drove you away. It's harsh reality but the truth is normally harsh.

Bare in mind that these tips are just a guide. If you truly love each other then your love can conquer your imperfections and make you the perfect match. 

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