What is Love?

What is love? The time-old question that has been given many different meanings, which is truly still confusing within itself. There has never been a easy definition that everyone works with and has fully accepted. It is however recognized as the greatest emotion of them all. Let's see what others had to say about it.

Person 1: Love is a feeling that makes your heart explodes into a magical rainbow made of butterflies and unicorns, usually causing you to want only one person. (We all know the gender of person 1.)

Person 2: It's that thing Trey Songz says is better than sex. Ooooh-weee that must be awesome if it is better than sex.

Person 3: Love is an emotion

Person 4: Love is having awesome orgasms

Person 5: Love is smiling until your ears hurt

Me: After years of extensive research and practical courses of being brought up and teared down in love, I have finally come to the conclusion that love is a heterogeneous conglomeration of uncertainty calculated to bamboozle the anatomy of the individual intoxicated by its abominable and irresistible power.

You're probably saying "WTF", exactly my point, that's how confusing love is, and don't you forget it. On a serious note now, it is a state that cannot be had by one person but two. Where you support each other in your separate lives and share those lives with each other. Knowing that whatever you do in your life will not only affect you but also your partner.

Let us now examine the four stages of love.

Stage 1. Infatuation - The one simple attribute that kicks it off for all of us. The mind disease that blocks our ability to see anything bad about a person, showing us only good and forcing us to say "It was 'love' at first sight". When it was actually glance at first ass. Hillman and Phillips describe it as a desire to express the libidinal attraction of addictive love. Simply put, if love was a car then infatuation would be the key, the one that starts it off.

Stage 2. Knowing - Some people make it past the first stage and get to the knowing, trying to find something more substantial to hold on to rather than her fat ass, whereas others realize her ass isn't that thick or his abs aren't that rock hard so they just forget it and start the process with a new person. As cheesy as it may be, it is the stage where you not only see with your physical eyes but also your heart.

Stage 3. Falling - Bam!! You've been knocked down by the heavyweight champion of the world, love. This is the stage where you've discovered the substantial attributes of your partner and realize, that's just what you've been looking for.

Stage 4. Love - Once you've passed all other stages, you're then faced with the most difficult of them all. This is where the veil of fantasy is lifted and the blunt reality is shown. Most people people are lucky enough to outweigh the cons of their partner with the pros. You will be faced with challenges to prove whether you 'love' your significant other or if you've actually hated them your whole lives.

We can go our entire lives trying to figure out this phenomenon called love, but the simple truth is we all have to find that answer with the 'ONE', you'll never find it on your own, unless you're a Siamese twin of course.

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