9 Secrets A Man Will Never Reveal To His Woman

Men are very secretive and will do anything to follow the Bro Code. There are certain secrets that a man should and will never reveal to a woman. The good news is, he doesn't do it because he's evil, he does it because he loves you. If every man were to reveal these secrets, there would be chaos in the world of man and woman. These are secrets a man will never reveal to a woman:

1. Numbered Past: A man will never reveal the real number of women he's slept with or dated. Men are taught that if he has dated less than 6 women then say 6, if it's none say 3, if it's none and everyone knows you're not a lady's man say 1. However if you are a lady's man and has dated more than 6 then say 6. Why 6? It's the perfect number, if you're together and a hot girl passes and the girlfriend says "On a scale of 1 to 10, how hot is she?" You answer "6". It works for every scenario. Again the man adjusts his information to keep his ego and the woman's happiness up. 

2. Salary: A man will never reveal his true pay. Not only to his woman but everyone around him. Maybe to his friends but no one else, not even family. Men don't live in the fairytale world of shopping and do anticipate large future expenses, should there be any. So keeping this secret is not to be deceptive but careful. 

3. Jealousy: Yes it's true, no matter how masculine a man is, he does get jealous. A man notices every man that checks out his woman or talks to her. Though he does take it as a compliment, because this reminds him of what he's got, he wants the competition to look but do not touch. A lot of women complain about their man being too jealous, well guess what? This means he cares too much. So frankly if he doesn't get jealous it means you're just another side chick that means squat. This is also the reason why a man doesn't reveals he gets jealous because he thinks you won't like it.

4. Best Sex: Never!! A man will never admit that the best sex he's ever had is not with the current person he's dating. He's programmed to say that it's with the person he's currently dating. Women might try to occasionally trick the man by saying "I won't feel bad, just tell me who it is". If you do tell then the probability of what will happen, out of 10, is 9/10 it will peck at her brain for days, knowing she wasn't able to please you at maximum indulgence, where this will cause awkwardness and eventually a break up. Whereas 1/10 this might push her to challenge the feat, causing the man to have weeks of great sex. If, as a man, you're a gambler, then go ahead and take your chances. I hope you have a blow-up doll.

5. First Time Jitters: This has been a secret kept for ages by men. Buried 6 feet deep below the earth's crust and weighed down by 1,500 pounds of cement. It is a fact that men get nervous, having sex with any woman for the first time. He doesn't have to be a virgin, as long as he's doing the first time with a particular woman. His heart starts to beat faster than any drummer. But a man will pull the veil of masculinity to cover his transparency. He will appear to be confident and sure, because this is an art men have practiced for ages, when surely he is more nervous than a first time porn star.

6. Shut Up: Sometimes a man wishes you can read his mind, so you could see that he just wants you to shut up at a particular moment. Especially when he's watching TV, eating food and sleeping. A man is simple and does not wish to do more than one thing at once. So When He's watching TV only football matters, when he's eating food only his steak matters and when he's sleeping only his pillow matters. He loves his woman too much to shut her up, so he hopes she'll figure it out, but she never does. Well now she knows.

7. The Getaway: Boy's night out, golfing, the gym and the bar. These are all platforms invented to get away from women at times. It is psychology 101 that too much of anything is bad for you, therefore it is not necessarily a bad thing for a man to want to get away from his woman once in a while. The man would never reveal such a secret to a woman that his hobbies are merely getaways from her, never!

8. Lust: This is a popular accusation against man, that all he thinks about is sex. It's true. However a man would never admit this to his woman, why? To keep the peace. Men check out every woman they pass everyday and share their discoveries with their friends. It is a man's nature to lust, and even though he does it, there's no other person he would like to wake up next to in the mornings than HIS woman. It is actually a proven scientific fact that the average man thinks about sex 19 times a day, not every 7 seconds, that's a myth.

9. Blackout: Ah the occasional blackout. Sometimes a woman can go on and on about anything, quickly turning a dialogue into a complex monologue. The man might actually forget that they were having a conversation and travel off to the little world in his mind. This has actually led to a popular question that women ask at the end of a conversation, "what did I say?". Men have trained their minds to chip back in at the initiation of this question. The blackout honestly happens to everyone. For example, you're reading a book or an article, and forget you were reading then start back at the point where you can actually remember. The man will never admit he didn't hear what you said, he'll guess until you tell him he's wrong.

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