
Monday 1 February 2016

How To Never Give Up

  Psychologists have discovered the great master key and foundation of all personal successes and I will describe it to you in one very simple sentence that you may understand, "Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve". Now this may sound strange or paradoxical but the secret to never giving up is… to give up, but just bare with me so you can understand, as it will soon be explained.

Being relentless is a science, it's not magic or a fairytale. When someone falls into quicksand, they tend to struggle trying to fight back and always getting pulled in by the sand. It's the same with life, whereas we face a few problems and we keep pushing and fighting, inevitably bringing ourselves down, when the answer to winning that battle is to stop.

One day a friend of mine told me he could 10 pushups, keep in mind that this person is not athletic and has never exercised a day in his life. So when he started I began to count "1… 2… 3…" then he stopped and he was exhausted. The next day he came and decided to try again then made it to 7. On the third day he passed 10. How? Through science and decision. Let me explain:

On the first day he made it to 3, and remember he has never worked out a day in his life. His body was not prepared to do 10 pushups. So when he stopped at 3 his brain said 'to prevent such another stressful event, more muscles will be needed and more adrenaline to get through the event comfortably'. So now his body is prepared to do 3 pushups but the next day he made it to 7 and stopped therefore the brain needed to add more muscles and adrenaline to achieve that amount comfortably. And on the third day he passed 10 so now his body and mind are prepared to achieve a certain goal.

The phenomenon works the same way with life. Sometimes all you need to do is stop for a while and give your mind and body a chance to equip you with everything you need to win your battle. And that's what I meant when I said "the secret to never giving up is… to give up". You should only give up temporarily, not forever. You give up in order to to give time to your mind and body to prepare you for battle.

I'm sure you've even experienced it before where you're reading a book or trying to pass a level in a game or trying some new trick you learnt but you can't do it or you don't understand something so you stop. But after a while you see that book lying around and decide to read it again because you feel a bit more intelligent and you find yourself saying "maybe I'll understand it this time". Then you do get it but that time you were prepared.

For your mind to prepare you, you need to be consistent because if you do stop forever then your mind will give up as well. The concept is exactly alike evolution. Birds need to fly so their bodies grow wings and fish need to live underwater so they develop gills. Unlike animals we have nothing but our intelligence or mind to survive. If we want to fly we build planes and if we need to breathe underwater we build oxygen tanks.

Your mind is an evolution machine. With that result, in every goal we set out to achieve and feel like giving up then do just that but not forever, just give your mind time to evolve and trust me, you will be successful!!

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