
Wednesday 7 September 2016

The Proof Of God | Through Psychology, Physics & Physical Evidence

The proof of God is an extremely difficult matter. The science develops constantly and the evaluation of research results is extremely difficult. There are many views that exist. Some believe that there is no God and that religion is division. Some religions are ridiculed, many are accepted. Everyone has formed their own opinion.

-The Proof of God's Existence-

God is proven through enlightenment. There are millions of witnesses in the world for the fact of enlightenment. Millions of people in all cultures, and at all times, have attained enlightenment. They have all had the same experience. The only difference is that they've described God in different words. Modern science has studied many enlightened and confirmed their specific abilities. Everyone is able to check the proof. Thoroughly investigated, by U.S. brain researchers several years ago, was Matthieu Ricard. They found a particularly large inner happiness, serenity, inner peace and compassion from his psychological procedure.

-Psychological Proof of God-

There is the psychological and the physical evidence of God's existence. For the psychological proof of God, it is sufficient that the enlightenment is mental and that an enlightened one sees God. God as a transcendent experience is already proven. There are many enlightened witnesses (for example Jesus, Buddha, Patañjali, Church Fathers, Teresa of Ávila, Dalai Lama, Swami Sivananda, Mata Amritanandamayi, Sri Anandamayi Ma, Mother Meera).

Atheist: "The proof of God has been rendered by TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation). The Canadian neurologist Michael Persinger put on his subjects magnetic fields, and they are touched by God. God is the creation of certain brain areas. Thus, your witnesses evidence is nothing more than auto-suggestion."

Theist: "You make a major logical error, as many other brain researchers too. If God can be perceived by the brain (there are even certain areas of God), does this not mean that God is only in the brain. If an apple can be perceived by the brain, does this not mean that there is no real apple outside the brain. God can exist inside and outside the brain. Persinger did a psychological proof of God. Great thanks to him. TMS confirmed the fact of enlightenment. Enlightenment exists. The enlightened one sees God. Enlightenment is thus at least a psychological fact. As a condition of human consciousness, enlightenment is already clearly established. The big question is whether God really exists outside the brain, such as the above mentioned apple. There are many facts such as quantum physics, supernatural experiences (for example, the cures of Lourdes) and the statements of the enlightened."

-Physical Proof of God-

The physical proof of God is that God not only exists in an enlightened one, but also as an outer reality. Physics is approaching the realization that there are one or more higher dimensions in our universe, namely the String theory. In physics, String theory is a theoretical framework in which the point-like particles of particle physics are replaced by one-dimensional objects called strings. String theory describes how these strings propagate through space and interact with each other. 

Simply put by ExplainLikeI'm5: String Theory says there aren't just three dimensions (3D), but TEN of space, and one of time. But how do we "touch" those other dimensions? How do we even know they are there? (Some people have faith) The math is correct, but until somebody "touches" another dimension, or detects one, it's just math that works, but it's not really a "proven" reality.

But according to Professor Dürr: "Basically, there is no such thing as material. Primarily, there exists only connections to material foundation. We could therefore call it consciousness material. Energy appears only as coagulated secondary, solidified spirit. (... ) Many discoveries of quantum physics are not only immaterial, but it works in completely different ways that have nothing to do with the standard three-dimensional spatial sense we have. It is a pure information field, a sort of quantum code. It has nothing to do with mass and energy. This information field spans the entire universe. The cosmos is whole information because this field has no limit. There is only one, but this one united entity is differentiated."(P.M. Magazine 05/2007)

-Quantum Physics and God-

According to some quantum physicists (Hans-Peter Dürr, Amit Goswami, Michael König), there is behind the material world a hyperspace that can be regarded as an afterlife or a heaven. Basis of this assumption is the proved (verified) phenomenon of quantum entanglement. If two entangled (by contact "mentally" connected) photons (light particles) can communicate over a large spatial distance much faster than light (immediately), there must be a higher dimension (a hyper-space) through which this is possible. Because the special theory of relativity from Einstein shows that signals spread out in the traditional dimensions of space can do this, not faster than the speed of light.

Evidences for the nature of the hyperspace are not yet available. There are the String theory and the 'many-worlds interpretation' of quantum physics. If they are verified, a multi-dimensional universe (multiverse) can be derived from them.

The French physicist Jean Emile Charon (1920-1998) developed the complex theory of relativity, meaning that there is a photon gas in the interior of an electron, which can form structures and is kind of an inner memory of the electron. The consciousness of man can, for Charon, be stored in electronic memory (Biophotonics). Since electrons have an eternal life, the German physicist Michael König made, in the 1980s, the hypothesis that essence electrons form in the body of a man… an eternal soul. They continue to exist after the death of the man and incarnate again later on into a new body on the earth. Others have differing beliefs.

The physicist Burkhard Heim (1925-2001) made a quantification of space and time with the extended quantum field theory. He assumed that space is filled with tiny quantum and that there are also time quantum. Spiritually formulated, one would say that the universe exists out of light (an ethereal substance). A mystic can feel this. The hyperspace is not empty, but filled with "light". So Burkhard Heim was able to calculate the hyperspace beyond matter. Overall he found a twelve-dimensional universe. Charon and Heim are previously little-noticed in the current physics. But things can change. Outsiders may be the mainstream.

The German quantum physicist and mystic, Michael König (b. 1957) published in 2010 the book, "Das Urwort (The physics of God)." In it he made the Firstword-theory. "Our universe is an idea of God. All began with the wish of God that a cosmos with thinking beings should be there. He spoke a mantra (ELI) and the multiverse was started. Consciousness is the center of the universe from which everything is developing." Michael König has worked up the theories of Charon and Heim and extended them. This enabled him to confirm through quantum physics, what was found by the enlightened ones and mystics of all time by the inner exploration of their consciousness. With his Urword-theory he connects the traditional knowledge of the mystical philosophy with quantum physics.

God is a higher dimension of consciousness consisting of energy, love and information (ELI) in the center of our multiverse. From this center, the Eta-particle (basic light-quantum) flow and form the afterworld and the material universe.

The mathematician Klaus Lange has reviewed the theory of Michael König, that God is a high density of energy (light, love, consciousness) in the center of our multiverse. He found two things that can be experimentally tested.(Der Mathematiker Klaus Lange zur Urwort-Theorie.) Now you just have to wait until the test takes place. Science will make a quantum leap. 

Until then, it can still be a long way, as the previously unsuccessful attempts to prove the String theory show little. But leave space for optimism because the near death research, the reincarnation research and the visions of the enlightened point towards provability.

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