
Monday 14 December 2015

45 Motivational Quotes

From time to time our drive or spark wears down and we need an optimistic push to get us back on our path to success. We all dream of a world that we want to make a reality, we want to be self made. So Here are 45 motivational quotes to get you through your journey. 

1. Greatness takes time, don't be a finger painting, be a masterpiece.

2. Take action while all others are sitting on their hands.

3. You either win or learn, admitting defeat means you've lost.

4. Take action while others hesitate, think big when others don't, make sacrifices when others won't and dare to dream of greatness when others fear it.

5. Success is sacrificing your today for a better tomorrow.

6. Be happy to work while all others are out partying or sleeping.

7. God didn't rest on the seventh day because he was tired but because he was finished.

8. Rome wasn't built in a day therefore greatness takes time.

9. Failure is just a step to success, not an excuse to quit.

10. If you do what is hard then your life will be easy, but if you do what is easy then your life will be hard.

11. When life knocks you down you're faced with two decisions: Stay down or get up and fight back.

12. There is no greater satisfaction than shocking the world by doing what they said you couldn't.

13. Courage isn't the the absence of fear, it is doing what you want to do in spite of fear.

14. When you fail, it takes courage to start over.

15. If you really want it, then you're gonna go all out to get it.

16. You have free will because only you can stop you, so don't blame anyone else.

17. Stop saying and start doing.

18. Don't give up, don't give in, there's always an answer to everything.

19. When you feel like stopping, try to remember why started.

20. You can't explain you're goals to the average man. It would be like explaining a rainbow to a blind person.

21. The bottom is overcrowded, strive to get to the top.

22. If one person can do it then so can you.

23. If you want a lot of money then invest a lot of time because time is money.

24. The harder you believe, the more you'll achieve.

25. When no one believes in you, believe in yourself.

26. There is no elevator to success, you have to take the stairs.

27. Don't be a slave to your feelings, you are the master of your soul.

28. If you work hard and play hard then you'll get nothing, so work hard and play less because you get what you work for.

29. All work and no play will make Jack a very rich man.

30. It doesn't matter what happened to you, the only thing that matters is what're gonna do about it.

31. The perfect time to start is now.

32. Don't let failure push you down, let it push you forward.

33. When you hit rock bottom there's only one way to go, and that's up. You can't fall any further.

34. When opportunity doesn't knock at your door, then get up, open the door and go look for opportunity.

35. If life seems useless and worthless without your dream then you have to give up your time, your peace and your sleep for it.

36. Work hard in silence, let your success make the noise.

37. Winners never quit and quitters never win.

38. You can't stop someone who refuses to be stopped.

39. Think limitless, the sky isn't the limit.

40. If you want something you've never had then do something you've never done.

41. You can't change yesterday but you can change today.

42. Losers quit when they fail, winners fail until they succeed.

43. If you want to live a happy life then tie it to your goals, not to people or objects.

44. Stop thinking about what you want to become and start thinking about who you want to be.

45. It's not going to be easy, it's gonna be worth it.

Everyday you get up live determined and go to bed satisfied. Live your life with passion and drive because the only way to do great work is to love what you do.

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  1. These are great! What a good post. I am going to have to refer to this list often. Thanks!


    1. I'm very glad to know they were useful. Thanks for letting me know by commenting.
