
Monday 5 October 2015

How To Get Traffic To Your Website/Blog

Before you even start thinking about making money from your website, you'll first need an audience, otherwise your website or blog will just be an empty classroom.
The internet is a key marketing platform that has provided countless ways to promote your service or product which will be a guaranteed way to drive traffic to your website, but only  IF you implement them right.

Here are some of the best ways I've found:
1. Google: SEO (Search Engine Optimization) plays a big role in how websites are found. Using unique and uncompetitive keywords to make your site a top rank Google result is how you'll strive. For example: If 90% of the world is demanding rice and 10% flour, why would you market flour? You need to find out what people are looking for, use popular words or tags.
Make it prominent in your titles when you write up a website.
   For a domain name use an as-short-as-possible-name. Because the fact is, people are lazy. No one wants to go Google and type In fact people are so lazy that when they go to the address bar to go to Facebook they type "fb" and leave out ".com". Leaving Google no choice but to make the address bar a search engine. Make your domain unique and cool or end up on the second and third pages of a Google search (where no one goes to). You'll also need to have lots of content on your website. Google loves content. When they see you have a lot of relevant and unique content they have no choice but to push your website at the top of their search results. So Don't be intimidated by the millions, probably billions, of sites out there. Write what you know and love (cliché).

2. YouTube: Using YouTube to drive traffic to your site is one of the best ways there is. People love to watch videos because it's Easy to understand and more interactive. For them it's 95% similar to getting the information in real life.
People use YouTube 5 times more than they watch Tv, which is why YouTube is a top rank marketing platform. So why waste thousands of dollars paying for Tv ads when you can make a YouTube video for free.
   Now using YouTube as a platform is as similar as using Google. In fact, if you didn't know, YouTube is owned by Google. Naming your video and writing your description are key because that's how  people are gonna find your video. So when you make a video on How to drive traffic to your website, title it exactly that "How To Drive Traffic To Your Website". Use the same methods as you would with SEO. Share your videos and tag people on Facebook, tweet your link and post it to Instagram. These ways extend the chance of people finding your video. Note briefly, when you upload a video on YouTube, it's like dropping a needle in an haystack and not telling anyone to go look for it.

3. Facebook/Twitter/Instagram etc…:
Where is everybody? Posting status updates, tweeting or posting a photo of the meal their having in a fancy restaurant. That's where they are. The average person with a smartphone/tablet/computer uses these for an average of 15 hours or more a day. So if you want an audience, you have to go where they are and share their interests, no matter how mind numbing it is.
Now these social media platforms are modern keys when marketing a website. You can make pages or profiles for your website or business. You can also post status updates and share links or information about your website or business from your personal accounts.
  Be creative and persuasive when you share a link. Don't just post "new site up check it out". Give them a good reason of why they should click your link. Tell them what it offers. Don't trick them or mislead them into clicking the link, because the next time you write a post on your website, you've already lost the trust of your audience. Show honesty, it's the best policy (cliché).

4. Email List: Many people might think to themselves saying "Nobody really checks their email, email lists are dead". Au contraire the email is the most intimate place of the internet. It gives individuals a sense of security and is more personal.
Why is it secure for them? They trusted you enough to send you their best and personal email address, so when they receive email from you, they're like "Hey look an email from ". You can get all excited about building a Twitter or Facebook fan page but there's a problem, you're never really sure if you reached them. Bottom line is if you want to make real income, you need an email list.
Implementation of of these marketing tips are highly recommended for a lot of guaranteed success. Why do I say some? Because there many other ways to drive traffic to your site, those were just the basics. Don't get me wrong though, with the right plan and serious dedication, you can drive millions of people to your website thus generating millions of dollars.

Thanks for reading, leave a comment of questions suggestions or reviews. Subscribe for more.


  1. There are many ways to get traffic to your website and you may increase traffic.

    1. I know there are. The thing is that everyone has there own ways. Some more practical than others. So those are the strategies I use. If you would like to explore other ways then you can check out The Social Store, in the navigation bar, for more resources to help you. It features books like How To Make Money With Your Blog & Blogging for Dummies.

  2. Your blog has given me that thing which I never expect to get from all over the websites. Nice post guys!
